We have IT Super Powers!

Recently, a friend asked me how High Road Data sets itself apart in the IT consulting world.  It was an interesting questions that I think many businesses struggle to understand about themselves.  Just by understanding this one question, a business owner or a sales person can up their game and increase their closing ratios.  So, when I was asked, I was happy to respond, “We have IT super powers!”IT Super Hero

There are many IT consulting companies out there.  And if you narrow it down to Orange County, California, there is still plenty of competition.  So, this super power has to explain why our customers get better results.  Plus, it has to be something we can easily explain to our customers and staff.

And here’s what I told him….

We have developed technology standards which we use to define our best practices.  Then, we couple that with a strong customer synergy by showing our customers the areas that are within and outside of our standards.  We celebrate the standards and plan to improve those areas of concern.

We do this by compiling our knowledge and experience, generating standards, and implementing a comprehensive review process.  In turn, that allows us to provide a consistent delivery of our services to all of our customers.
